
Blog posts of '2022' 'June'

Care for your EYES before its too late!
(164) Care for your EYES before its too late!
Eyes are one of the most vital organs in the body. A healthy set of eyes implies good vision, which is important in daily living and the quality of experiences. For the vast majority of humans, sight is the most prized of the five senses. However, as we age, our eyes endure several changes. Most people note that seeing close things gets harder between the ages of 40 and 50. Furthermore, many eye disorders become more common with aging, many people develop visual impairment as they grow older. Visual impairment has a significant influence on a person's life, causing functional and psychological concerns. Widespread vision impairment will also slow national economic development, lower productivity, and raise healthcare expenditures.
(0) 蜂胶拥有抗菌和抗病毒的功效,到底是怎样被发现的?
Discovery of the antibacterial and antiviral effect of Propolis
(0) Discovery of the antibacterial and antiviral effect of Propolis
Propolis has a medicinal history for thousands of years, it is used as an antiseptic and natural remedy for oral disinfect and topical treatment of skin and wounds. Through the discovery and research on beehives, the propolis is found to create a highly complex immune defence system which makes the beehives the most sterile environment known in nature.