
Blog posts of '2022' 'August'

Stop Smoking For Good
(5) Stop Smoking For Good
Everybody knows that smoking does more harm than good. It gives you yellow teeth, bad skin, bad breath, breathing difficulties, cancer, lung and heart disease. Despite this, people continue to smoke and more young people are picking up the habit.
Keeping the lungs healthy is just so important for a long and active life
(0) Keeping the lungs healthy is just so important for a long and active life
Every cells of the body need oxygen to function. The respiratory system is responsible to supply oxygen to the body’s cells and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from the body. The respiratory system is able to protect and clean itself by means of a coating of mucus, which traps dirt particles and microorganisms before they can enter the lungs.
(1) 护肺天使-虎乳芝
虎乳芝主要分布在热带雨林地区,如:中国南部、泰国、马来西亚、印尼、菲律宾等。 400多年前,在科技不发达的年代,虎乳芝的药效早已被人们发现并成为家用良药。原住民或本地土著早已使用 “老虎奶” 医治咳嗽、哮喘、支气管炎、呕吐、发烧、鼻子过敏、乳腺癌、胃癌、食物中毒等超过15种症状。根据记载,原住民会使用 “虎乳芝” 和 “东革阿里” 加入沸水熬成强身健体的补品。
Protect Your lungs with Tiger Milk Mushroom
(0) Protect Your lungs with Tiger Milk Mushroom
Tiger Milk Mushroom is mainly distributed in tropical rainforest areas, such as: southern China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. More than 400 years ago, in the age of underdeveloped technology, the medicinal effect of Tiger Milk Mushroom has long been discovered and become a good medicine for home use. Aboriginal or local indigenous people have long used "tiger milk mushroom" to treat more than 15 symptoms such as cough, asthma, bronchitis, vomiting, fever, nose allergy, breast cancer, stomach cancer, food poisoning, etc. According to records, the aboriginal people boiled "tiger milk mushroom" and "tongkat ali" together to strengthen the body.
(0) 中医对改善健康的重要作用
Peranan Perubatan Tradisional Cina dalam Penambahbaikan Kesihatan
(0) Peranan Perubatan Tradisional Cina dalam Penambahbaikan Kesihatan
Perubatan Tradisional Cina (TCM) memberi tumpuan kepada penjagaan kesihatan dan peningkatan daya tahan badan terhadap penyakit. Faktor-faktor luaran penyakit dari segi perubatan tradisional Cina terdiri daripada enam pengaruh berbahaya iaitu angin, sejuk, api, kering, lembap dan panas. Perubahan iklim dapat mencetuskan gejala seperti batuk, demam, sakit kepala dan kesejukan. Punca-punca dalaman seperti ketidakseimbangan tenaga badan dan aktiviti Qi (tenaga hayat) yang tidak normal dalam paru-paru atau sistem organ lain yang berkaitan, seperti limpa, hati dan perut) boleh menyebabkan batuk berterusan.