

Care for your main body controller- THE BRAIN
(0) Care for your main body controller- THE BRAIN

By Nutritionist Avril


What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer's disease is a brain degenerative illness that causes reduced functioning and memory loss. It is the most prevalent cause of dementia, which is characterised by a progressive decrease in mental, behavioural, and social abilities that impairs a person's capacity to operate independently.

Alzheimer's disease affects the majority of persons over the age of 65. According to the Alzheimer's Disease Foundation Malaysia, there are about 261,000 persons in Malaysia who have dementia. According to the World Health Organization, there are over 50 million individuals worldwide who have dementia, with nearly 10 million new cases diagnosed each year.

Alzheimer's disease worsens with time. Alzheimer's is a progressive illness in which dementia symptoms deteriorate steadily over time. Memory loss is moderate in the early stages of Alzheimer's, but as the disease progresses, individuals lose the capacity to converse and respond to their surroundings. A person with Alzheimer's disease lives 4 to 8 years following diagnosis on average, but can survive up to 20 years depending on other circumstances.


The link between Alzheimer's disease and the brain

Long before the first indications of memory loss, microscopic changes in the brain occur.

There are 100 billion nerve cells in the brain (neurons). Each neuron communicates with many others to build networks. Groups of neurons perform certain functions. Some are thinking, learning, and remembering. Others assist us in seeing, hearing, and smelling.

Brain cells function like small factories to complete their tasks. They receive supplies, create energy, build equipment, and dispose of garbage. Cells also process and retain information, as well as communicate with one another. Coordination, as well as vast amounts of fuel and oxygen, are required to keep everything functioning.

Alzheimer's disease, according to scientists, disrupts portions of a cell's manufacturing. They're not clear where the problem begins. Backups and malfunctions in one system, however, produce issues in other areas, just as they do in a real plant. As the damage spreads, cells lose their capacity to execute their duties and finally die, resulting in permanent brain alterations.


The bad guys in brain

Plaques and tangles, two aberrant formations, are leading suspects in the damage and death of nerve cells. Plaques are deposits of beta-amyloid (BAY-tuh AM-uh-loyd) protein fragments that accumulate in the gaps between neurons. Tangles are twisted threads of tau (rhymes with "wow") protein that accumulate inside neurons.

Most people build plaques and tangles as they age, but those with Alzheimer's grow significantly more and in a regular manner, beginning in memory-related areas before spreading to other areas.


Scientists are unsure of the specific function plaques and tangles play in Alzheimer's disease. Most specialists think they play an important function in preventing communication between neurons and interrupting processes that neurons require to live.

Memory loss, personality changes, difficulties carrying out everyday tasks, and other symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are caused by the damage and death of neurons.


What factors contribute to Alzheimer's disease?

Scientists are still unsure what causes Alzheimer's disease. There is most certainly not a single reason, but rather a combination of circumstances that influence each individual individually.

The most well-known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is age. Genetics, according to researchers, may have a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. However, genes do not determine fate. A healthy lifestyle may help lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease. Two big, long-term studies suggest that appropriate physical exercise, a balanced diet, moderate alcohol use, and quitting smoking may be beneficial.


What are the warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease?

Mild Alzheimer’s disease

  • Memory loss and other cognitive issues
  • Wandering and getting lost 
  • Having difficulty handling money and paying payments 
  • Having to repeat inquiries 
  • Taking longer to do typical everyday chores
  • Changes in personality and conduct


Moderate Alzheimer’s disease

  • Damage develops in parts of the brain that govern language, reasoning, conscious cognition, and sensory processing, such as the capacity to identify noises and odours accurately, during this period.
  • Memory loss and confusion worsen.
  • Difficulties identifying relatives and friends.
  • Lack of ability to learn new things
  • Inability to do multi-step tasks such as dressing or deal with unexpected situations
  • Hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia are possible, as can impulsive behaviour

Severe Alzheimer’s disease

Plaques and tangles eventually spread throughout the brain, causing brain tissue to atrophy considerably.

• Unable to converse 

• Completely reliant on others for care 

• Near the end of life, the individual may spend most or all of their time in bed as the body shuts down



  1. What is alzheimer's? Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2022, from 
  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Alzheimer's disease fact sheet. National Institute on Aging. Retrieved November 10, 2022, from 
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, October 26). What is alzheimer's disease? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from 


How To Protect Our Liver
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The liver is an essential organ of the body that performs over 500 vital functions. These include removing waste products and foreign substances from the bloodstream, regulating blood sugar levels, and creating essential nutrients. The best way to fight liver disease is to avoid it, if at all possible. Here are few tried and true ways to achieve liver wellness!
Beta-glucans are non-digestible complex polysaccharides that are commonly found in plants, cereals, bacteria, yeasts and fungi. The biological activity of beta-glucan is determined by its molecular structure which depends on its origins (yeast, bacterium, cereal or fungi). Different types of sources provide different health benefits to our body.
(0) Pomegranate is beneficial for your blood circulation

by Nutritionist Avril


"Pomegranates are abundant in dietary fibre and antioxidants," stated Penny Kris-Etherton of Penn State University in University Park, Pennsylvania. Pomegranates, sometimes known as "jewels of autumn," are a kind of fruit that originated in Iran and India. They are mostly found in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, South Asia, and areas of Arizona and California. Pomegranates have traditionally been connected with abundance, fertility, and good fortune.

Pomegranates are red fruits that are spherical in shape. They have white interior pulp that is thickly packed with crisp, juicy edible arils. They may be best known for the vibrantly coloured juice in which they are frequently used, but these unusual fruits have much more to offer. The pomegranate tree, which is claimed to have thrived in Garden of Eden, has long been utilised as a traditional medicine in many cultures. Pomegranates are worth including in your healthy eating regimen since they have the ability to enhance many aspects of health, from immunity to brain function.

Pomegranate contains a high concentration of antioxidants (tannins and anthocyanins), which are also anti-atherogenic. The combination of the pomegranate polyphenols listed above gives a considerably broader spectrum of activity against numerous types of free radicals. Indeed, pomegranate outperforms other antioxidants in shielding low-density lipoprotein (LDL, "bad cholesterol") and high-density lipoprotein (HDL, "good cholesterol") from oxidation, hence slowing the development of atherosclerosis and the subsequent cardiovascular events.

It is high in antioxidants, which are quite effective in protecting nitric oxide. Louis Ignarro and his study team investigated the effect of pomegranates on nitric oxide protection. They discovered that they are more antioxidant-rich than Concord grape juice, blueberry juice, red wine, Vitamin C, and dl-α-tocopherol. Pomegranate juice's antioxidant activity shown a unique protection of nitric oxide against oxidative degradation.

Pomegranate antioxidants are not unbound, but are bound to pomegranate sugars, and have thus been demonstrated to be useful even in diabetic people. Pomegranate antioxidants are also unique in their capacity to boost the activity of the HDL-associated paraoxonase 1 (PON1), which degrades toxic oxidised lipids in lipoproteins, macrophages, and atherosclerotic plaques. Moreover, pomegranate antioxidants help to lower blood pressure. Pomegranates are believed to lower blood pressure via lowering levels of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). ACE is a protein that helps to regulate blood pressure by managing the size of blood vessels in the body. All of the above health benefits combine to make the pomegranate a unique healthy fruit.



  1. Panoff, L. (2022, February 23). 10 health benefits of pomegranate. Healthline. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from 
  2. Just how healthy are pomegranates? (2022, January 3). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from 
  3. Aviram, M., & Rosenblat, M. (2013). Pomegranate for your cardiovascular health. Rambam Maimonides medical journal, 4(2), e0013.
Cold, flu and influenza are the health problems caused by different type of viruses or bacteria that affect the upper respiratory tract in human. The effect can target our nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx and the worst part is our lungs. Symptoms may start at day 2 and last until 3 weeks. Usually, physicians will prescribe anti-histamines or decongestant medication, nasal irrigation, intranasal ipratropium, pain killer and antibiotics in some cases.
6 things to keep your brain young
(2) 6 things to keep your brain young
As you become older, your body and brain will change. Every brain changes with age, and so does mental performance. Mental deterioration is common, and it is one of the most dreaded side effects of ageing. However, cognitive deterioration is not unavoidable. There are certain things you may do to assist decrease memory deterioration and reduce your chance of acquiring Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Here are six things that can help you keep your brain young.
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Melasma - the inside approaches
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Melasma is a complex condition that is influenced by a wide range of factors, including poor lifestyle choices and genetics. There are attempts to heal the problem from the inside out. Other prevention and treatment strategies include photo-protection, topical therapy, surgical treatment (chemical peeling and laser treatment), and cosmetic camouflage. Numerous studies have demonstrated the role of oxidative stress in patients with melasma, prompting investigation into several antioxidants for melasma therapy.