Nutriva® MorZlim 2.0 Bio-GTE™ x Sinetrol®-Xpur (with improved taste), offers a healthy approach to weight management from multiple angles. It is a polyphenol-rich enzyme drink, containing: - Sinetrol®-Xpur, a clinically proven natural fat burner, with L-carnitine: - Enhanced with Bio-GTE™ enzyme treated green tea extract:
MAL21056079T .. .. WHP Modified Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule 500mg adalah satu-satunya kapsul Lian Hua Qing Wen yang didaftarkan di Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara (NPRA) di Malaysia dengan MAL berdaftar di atas dan indikasi yang diluluskan dalam mengurangkan rasa panas badan, melegakan batuk dan kahak secara tradisional. .. .. WHP Modified Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule 500mg is the only Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule that is registered in National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) in Malaysia with registered MAL above and approved indication in reducing body heatiness, relieve cough and phlegm traditionally.
An innovative formula features a synergistic combination of highly purified CoQ10 (from yeast), the FDA affirmed GRAS PQQ (a purity level of over 99%) and vegan DHA (from algal oil) with olive oil as part of the delivery system for maximum absorption and health benefits.
Adore.U LIPO. BIO-C Liposomal Pureway-C (TM) sachets (30sX5g) - Delivers maximum bio-efficacy using the most advanced liposomal encapsulation technology - True liposome backed by third party lab TEM (Trans Electron Microscopy) imaging ensures greater absorption, compared to liposomal products on the market that are less uniform - Makes more readily available for use in the body - ALL NATURAL product that is free from allergens - Non-acidic, gentle to stomach