MAL12085049TC Nutriva® A-rimau contains two national treasures of Malaysia – Tongkat Ali extract and Tiger Milk Mushroom powder for improving men’s health and quality of life.
MAL21016049NC NUTRIVA® EGGTOFLEX contains a combination of Ovomet® and Ovocet® for supporting musculoskeletal health. It helps reduce joint pain and stiffness, as well as protecting cartilage and bone against degeneration.
MAL12055118TC Nutriva® Tiger Boost combines 100% organic Tiger Milk Mushroom and Cordyceps Sinensis powder, which are free from microbial and heavy metal contamination.
MAL21116126TC Oliferin® Memovizion Capsule is a combination of olive phytonutrients, XanMax® Marigold Extract (Lutein & Zeaxanthin) and Memophenol™ (French Grape & Wild Canadian Blueberry Extracts), traditionally used for relieving tired eyes.
MAL16085009NC Oliferin® Whitolive contains OPITAC™ Kohjin’s L-glutathione, OleaA® olive phytonutrients, grape seed extract, vitamin C, zinc yeast and black pepper extract that work synergistically to rejuvenate the skin naturally and improve cellular health.